Monthly Archives: July 2019

Dresser Update…the Finale


As I’ve been able to work on furniture projects this summer, I realized that I’ve been working (off and on) on my friend’s yard sale dresser for just about a year. Holy smokes!! Now, I have to remind myself that I did a lot of work at the start last summer, some more work this winter…and then the dresser sat. As things have a tendency of taking up space…especially when they aren’t actually serving a purpose, I figure I’d better just get going on the last step that remained. Over the past week, I was able to get a couple of clear coats on the dresser and the drawers. I am beyond pleased with the way it turned out. You’ll notice in the picture that the dresser doesn’t actually have a top. Taking the top off was one of the first things I did during the overhaul. I believe the dresser will actually have a raw edge wood slab for the top, so that’s not a step that I’m responsible for. I do still have the original top in case it is needed for sizing.

So, other than a new top and some drawer pulls, this dresser is good to go.

SOLD: 7/28/2019

Metal Desk


I mentioned in an earlier post that I’ve got an eye for metal furniture right now.  During one of my recent searches on Craigslist, I came across a very unique metal desk.  Just too cute to pass on.  It was posted for FREE…and it doesn’t get much better than free when it comes to acquiring furniture.  Unfortunately, my schedule didn’t seem to align with that of the Craigslist individual.  However, given a week or two, we finally made it work.  Thankfully, he was happy to hold onto it for me (which isn’t always the way it goes on Craigslist).  I’m happy to report that I was able to pick-up the desk this afternoon.  In real-life, it is much larger than I believed it to be.  And, it is less rough than I thought it would be, so that’s a nice surprise.  I had originally thought of using it as a desk inside, but it might just be too big for that.  I had also thought of re-painting the metal portions, but a good cleaning really brought it to life.  We’ll see…

The question now, what should I do with it?

Dresser Update…Progress


You’d think after so many projects, I’d have learned that every project is always more work than I originally thought.  This particular dresser turns out to be no different in that respect.  With everything in pieces and primed, I was able to start with the gray paint my friend had chosen for this piece.  I must say, I really enjoyed see the gray paint going on the piece.  The multi-tonal properties totally reminded me of the colors found in driftwood.  Making the replacement bottoms went well and they will totally upgrade these drawers.  I know the replacement bottoms will probably not be noticed by most folks, but I will know that this dresser can actually handle the load it is expected to carry.  The way I figure it, if you’re going to re-do something, you might as well make it even better.  This dresser proves to be no exception.  This particular paint is actually furniture paint and claims to harden over time, so we’ll see how that compares to other paints that I’ve used on furniture.  I can’t remember how many coats I applied, but I can sure say that I’m pleased with how it looks thus far.  A good amount of time on standby will certainly allow the paint to cure.  Stay tuned for further updates.

As they say, progress is progress.

Metal Motel Chairs


Even with so many projects in my to-do queue, I’m always on the hunt for something new to work on. Lately, metal furniture is definitely catching my attention. We’re talking old vintage pieces, complete with rust or no rust, often with rounded edges. Metal, metal, and more metal.  Perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself…

To better understand my current interest (read, obsession), here’s a little “me” history for you. As a young person growing up, our neighborhood pool (I know, awesome, right?!) had these two super cute green and white metal motel chairs. They were in awesome condition and really held up throughout the years. Flash-forward to the 1990’s and the introduction of less-fun colors and more plastic. At some point, the metal chairs were replaced by some cool (at the time) and far more-disposable furniture. I honestly don’t know what happened to those two chairs. I do truly hope they weren’t merely thrown away (metal recycling wasn’t what it is today).

Back to the present day and my current search for my very own metal motel chairs.  Now, I don’t know if my exposure to plenty of older furniture growing up has anything to do with my interest in old stuff.  I do know that I sure love the look of it.  I don’t often see motel chairs on Craigslist (though they are on there every so often), so I figured I’d post a “wanted” ad.  Before too long, I was contacted by an individual in another town who just happens to have 3 of the very chairs I’m looking for.  I made an offer (reasonable for both of us) and it was accepted.  HOORAY!!  My new-to-me chairs will be delivered on Wednesday morning (saving me a bit of a drive).  Super excited to have yet another new project to work on.  Definitely more to come.

Just think, my venture into metal furniture…