Monthly Archives: December 2019

Wood Letter Block Ornaments


During a recent trip to the Bins (GoodWill Outlet), I came across a handful of old wood letter blocks. I figured I’d be able to put them to good use…somehow. At that point, I wasn’t quite sure what I’d do with them. At the prices they have at the Bins, I just couldn’t resist. The letters available were a good variety, so I took the chance and purchased them. Once I got the letters home, I cleaned ’em up with a quick little wash (soap and water). After a quick look through of the supplies I had available to me, I realized that I could use these blocks to make some ornaments. So, I set to work with the drill and a small drill bit. With that done, I added an eye hook (simple screw-in style). Some cute, red ribbon…and ta dah, adorable ornaments.  All of the letters that I had gotten just happened to make perfect gifts for folks.  So, I’m currently searching for more of these blocks.  I certainly think these ornaments would make a great addition to what I sell at Christmas bazaars.  I suppose I better get going for next year…